2.let sleeping dogs lie 翻译一下,要直译和引申义
3.如何评价《热血无赖》(Sleeping Dogs)这款游戏?大神们帮帮忙
4.sleeping dogs怎么设置中文
6.sleeping dogs definitive怎么开中文
let sleeping dogs lie,从字面上来看,这个俗语的意思就是不要去惹正在睡觉的狗,因为睡着了的狗不会咬人。换句话说,也就是:要是取什么行动会给自己或别人带来麻烦,那么最好还是保持现状,不要取行动。下面是一个妇女在给她的朋友提出劝告:
例句-1: If I were you, I would not tell Nellie you saw her husband hing lunch with another woman. It might he been perfectly innocent, but I'd let sleeping dogs lie.
例句-2: Can you prove that your neighbor stole your lawnmower? If not and you call the cops, he could make real trouble for you. Better to let sleeping dogs lie!
歌曲名:Sleeping Dogs
专辑:The Richard Ace Sessions
Night falls down and soon we're all alone
What do you he in mind, guidance of the blind, I feel lost
Lost inside this maze of shame and sin
a taste of sweetest wine, addictive yet so fine, I want more
The conscience says no, all senses yell go,
there's too much at stake this time
the more I deny, the more I commit to this night
Don't tell me what you feel, don't tell me what you see
close your eyes and stay behind the scene
any alibi will be one step over the line
Do you feel my pain, do you share my fears
so right even if I die tonight
Will I pay the price at the edge of time?
Let sleeping dogs lie
Time stands still, the room seems frozen now
two creatures moving in a game of lose or win, right or wrong
step aside, losen this stranglehold
may heen's fires burn the point of no return, sensual thorn
My head's spinning round, waiting to fall, fall for a secret desire
too far to starve yet too close to breathe in this lie
Don't tell me what you feel, don't tell me what you see
close your eyes and stay behind the scene
any alibi will be one step over the line
Do you feel my pain, do you share my fears
so right even if I die tonight
Will I pay the price at the edge of time?
Let sleeping dogs
The conscience says no, all senses yell go,
there's too much at stake this time
the more I deny, the more I commit to this night
Don't tell me what you feel, don't tell me what you see
close your eyes and stay behind the scene
any alibi will be one step over the line
Do you feel my pain, do you share my fears
so right even if I die tonight
Will I pay the price at the edge of time?
Let sleeping dogs
Gonna make your sleeping dogs fly
let sleeping dogs lie 翻译一下,要直译和引申义
读音:英 [let sli?p? d?ɡ la?]? 美 [let sli?p? d?ɡ la?]?
You'd better not be frightened. The boss likes Peter very much, and you're just a nobody.
扩展资料近义词:don't be meddlesome
读音:英 [bi ?medls?m]? 美 [bi ?medls?m]?
如何评价《热血无赖》(Sleeping Dogs)这款游戏?大神们帮帮忙
Let sleeping dogs lie是个非常非常古老的习惯用语,至少有六百年的历史了。实际上十四世纪的英国伟大诗人乔叟就曾经引用过这句话,可见这个习惯用语影响深远。这个习惯用语形像生动,要是你去惊动邻居睡着的看家狗话,那你简直就是自讨苦吃,自愿被狗咬。
好,我们一起来听,请注意里面的let sleeping dogs lie。
例句3: Better let sleeping dogs lie. The boss likes Peter so much, and you are just like fish in a big pond. Be smart and stay quiet until your chance comes.
从这儿可以看出let sleeping dogs lie就是劝告别招惹别人,以免自找麻烦。
接下来我们还要听一个例子,进一步体会let sleeping dogs lie用在什么上下文中。有一个选民和朋友谈论名叫Green的候选人。他希望Green能就堕胎问题发表看法,于是他的朋友向他解释Green保持沉默的原因。好,我们一起来听他的朋友是怎么向他解释的。
例句4: Green is trying to let sleeping dogs lie. Both sides feel so strongly about this issue that if he stands on either side, he is sure to make a lot of enemies.
他说:“Green 是在努力避免招惹是非,由于双方在这个问题上都固执己见,所以不论他站在哪一边,都必然给自己树敌过多。”
在这段话里,let sleeping dogs lie意思是,不招惹是非。
sleeping dogs怎么设置中文
初步体验9.0分 : 游戏的剧情棒极了,让你难以自拔。载入时间不算长,菜单简单易用。
画面表现7.5 : 游戏画面不属于漂亮但也不错。可惜有点贴图错误而且远景绘制距离不够。
音效表现9.0 : 你会很惊讶游戏如何把中文和英文配音结合的如何好。香港市井的氛围体现的很到位,还有很多原声歌曲。
游 戏 性8.5 : 视角在打斗和驾驶的时候有些别扭。但是近身格斗和枪战还是很有趣,驾驶体验超群。
耐 玩 性8.0 : 大概需要时间20到25小时,就能完成游戏。如果收集奖杯的话需要更多时间。
总 评 :8.5分 很棒
百度搜索 睡狗汉化补丁 找到一个蒹葭汉化补丁 下载是一个压缩文件 解压到sleeping dogs 文件夹里面就可以了
sleeping dogs definitive怎么开中文
sleeping dogs definitive即热血无赖,设置步骤如下。
1、热血无赖是一场设定在香港都市开放世界的警察游戏,中文设置的方法如下。首先进入游戏控制界面 2、点击游戏主菜单选项,界面有弹出很多选项。 3、点击弹出的“游戏和控制”选项,进入游戏控制界面。 4、点击开启游戏“粤语”设置。此处默认游戏字幕是粤语,玩家可以选择“开启”或“关闭”,这样玩游戏的时候就会出现了。